This exclusive offer is available through, catering to students or interns staying in the Philippines for more than 3 months. Book2wheel now provides both short-term and long-term leasing programs in the Philippines. For long-term leasing, with a minimum period of 3 to 6 months, a one-month advance and a one-month deposit are required. You can rent a 110cc to 125cc scooter with a 100km daily limit, and the rental cost ranges between $4 to $5, depending on the model and condition. What’s included in the service? Flat tire or…
Category: Driving Rules in the Philippines
Where can i buy private/comprehensive car insurance in Cebu city?
Now you can get online comprehensive car insurance in Cebu City Philippines. All you need to do is fill the form and make a deposit into Insurance company Bank account. You will be sent a hard copy and soft copy of the insurance. How much it cost to buy Comprehensive car insurance in Cebu City Philippines? It depends on the value of the car, for example, if your car value is 300,000 Pesos the comprehensive car insurance might cost about 4975 Pesos. In order to get a quotation please fill…
薄荷岛是菲律宾第十大岛,是直接从天堂出发的地方。棕榈树,美丽的海滩,白色的沙滩和碧绿的海水可以让您度过一个美好的假期。生动的彩色珊瑚礁吸引着水下探险者,火山锥和热带森林唤醒了冒险的欲望,这里是懒人爱好者的梦想目的地。 在这篇文章中,您将从薄荷岛找到五个最棒的旅游景点。 如何到达BOHOL 交通工具的规划是飞往菲律宾之前要准备的第一件重要事情。菲律宾是一个拥有7000多个岛屿的国家,因此从一个地方到另一个地方旅行可能需要花一些时间。最快捷的交通工具是飞机、渡轮和摩托车。 由于薄荷岛没有大型机场,您必须穿过宿雾岛才能到达岛上。您首先抵达麦克坦宿雾机场,然后乘坐出租车前往港口,整个过程大约需要30分钟。出租车的花费不会超过210菲律宾比索。 关于渡轮的乘坐,旅游舱门票的价格是500比索,商务舱的价格是1000比索。渡轮从宿务到达薄荷岛大约需要2个小时。 一旦您到达薄荷岛,就值得考虑租一辆摩托车或一辆车去您住的地方。此外,一旦您到达您的住所,您应该考虑为整个旅游行程租用最合适的交通工具。 Book2Wheel是菲律宾最大的线上摩托车租赁服务公司。我们公司可以租用摩托车或任何品牌的汽车,价格低至每天420菲律宾比索。使用 http://book2wheel.com预订车辆是一个非常简单的过程,请点击我们的视频详细了解预定流程。 薄荷岛的旅游亮点 巧克力山 巧克力山是菲律宾薄荷岛中部,卡门附近一处自然奇景。由1268个圆锥形小山丘组成的巧克力山,高度介于40到120米之间。每到夏季,“干草堆”都会干枯,转为褐色,犹如一排排的巧克力排放在大地上。巧克力山是菲律宾最大的景点之一,也是世界上独一无二的景观。 山丘狭窄,面积约50平方公里。巧克力山都由石灰岩组成,可没有一般石灰岩地区所常见的溶洞系统或地下通道。这些山丘像田野上的干草堆一般紧挨在一起。在2-5月份的旱季里,炎热的太阳将这些草晒干,变成巧克力般的褐色。而这些土墩已被宣布为联合国教科文组织世界遗产。 眼镜猴保护区 眼镜猴保护区是一个大型森林,致力于保护眼镜猴。眼镜猴是菲律宾国宝,多生活在菲律宾南部,是濒临保护动物。它的尾巴很长,总是跳跃行动,习惯夜间活动,样子十分讨人喜爱。但是是一种非常敏感的动物,这就是为什么不能在它们周围大声喧哗。 眼镜猴保护区的门票费用为60 比索,整个行程大约需要30-45分钟。 罗博河游船 罗博河是薄荷岛上最大的河流,船家会为游客准备丰盛地道的菲式自助料理。丛林、阳光、菲律宾卡拉OK和当地特色歌舞表演,向游客们展示他们的文化 , 所有这些美好的旅行体验让您真正难忘。 罗博河游船的费用约为每人450菲律宾比索,价格包括游河,景区和船上自助餐,您可以直接通过当地旅行社预定行程。 菲律宾阿罗那海滩 阿罗那海滩是位于菲律宾薄荷西南角的一个很近的小岛上的一片著名白沙滩。整个阿罗那海滩遍布度假村、潜水中心和餐馆,是菲律宾最热门的旅游目的地之一。另一个旅游亮点是可以在阿罗那海滩参与浮潜项目。您可以探索和体验隐藏在海洋下大自然的美丽,浮潜价格大约在2000-4000比索。 5 、 拉曼诺克岛 距离安达大约8公里,您会发现这是一个充满灵气的地方,这也是菲律宾文明的摇篮。当地导游将带您乘坐小船前往神秘岛屿,这个遥远的村庄是探索神秘无人居住的Lamanoc岛的起点,这个由石灰岩构成的岛屿据说被幽灵所困扰。前往拉曼诺克岛(Lamanoc Island)乘坐小船即可短途旅行。岛上的旅游路线需要攀爬陡峭的楼梯并在石灰岩泥上行走。在这里,导游会带您四处走走来向您展示即使在今天当地仍然有的祭祀和萨满教,讲述在岛上洞穴中发现的关于当地巫师的传说和仪式,拉曼诺克岛是一个神秘的地方。 薄荷岛绝对是一个一生值得一去的美丽地方。在您的旅游期间,请不要忘记在 http://book2wheel.com租一辆摩托车,带着您穿越美丽的岛屿。
Motorcycle driving regulations in the Philippines
If you are looking for tips and rules on the Road while in the Philippines, you are in the right place. We would like to inform you about motorcycle driving regulations in the Philippines, so your trips are safe. Truth be told, the Philippines is a country with no stable driving regulations. To clarify, the country has motorbike driving rules but not many people respect them. You would be really surprised that even though some people might not respect certain rules, there are silent rules too. We have created useful…
How to rent a motorbike in Palawan, Philippines
Palawan is an archipelagic province of the Philippines that is located in the region of Mimaropa. It is the largest province in the country. Its capital is the city of Puerto Princesa. Cities located in the region include: El Nido, Quezon, Rizal, Taytay and many others. It is home to exotic wildlife, fishing villages, and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Book2wheel is an online portal for sharing motorbikes. You can now rent a motorbike in El Nido Palawan Philippines using Book2wheel motorbike sharing service. This service is available now all over…
Driving Rules in the Philippines
Can I drive in the Philippines without driving license? The answer is simply in one word NO. You cannot drive in Philippines without having driving license. How does local people drive without license? Most of the people in province does not have driving license, but they drive a motorbike without it. When you go far from the city, there are no police stations and check points, so you might able to drive in province without driving license. If you made an accident and get caught. You will charge with high penalty.…