Car Rentals at Iloilo City Mandurriao Airport

Rent car iloilo city

Are you looking for cheap car rentals at Iloilo City Mandurriao Airport?

You are at the right place. On you can find the best deals on Car rentals in Iloilo City. We are a match-making portal. We connect you with car owners who are near you. Book2wheel is mostly 50 percent cheaper compared to rental companies. We are a portal where local people rent out their cars and motorcycle to earn extra income.

Remember when you rent a car or motorcycle you are helping local people. Let’s look at the prices of the car that you can rent in Iloilo City.

Rent this SUV

You can rent the latest model Toyota Avanza  2023 in Iloilo city for just 2500 pesos (42 Euro). This SUV has 8 seats. If you are visiting as a group you should rent this. This will save you a lot of costs. With the delivery charge, you can ask the owner to deliver the car to your location. If you book online using you can always save some money.

Where to stay in Iloilo

You can book a hostel or a hotel in Iloilo using hostel world. Link the image and book using an affiliate link you might be able to get some discount.

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