My name is Míša, nice to meet you!

Hello everybody. This blogpost is just to introduce myself. My name is Míša and apart from being a solo traveller in Colombia at the moment, I am a photographer and graphic designer from Prague, Czech Republic.
Currently I am interning with Book2wheels, so you’re about to meet me more often.

Marketa and me in Odense, Denmark

In the upcoming months, I’ll be travelling through Colombia and Ecuador, and I’ll post about my travels on Book2wheel social media, as well as write blogposts with tips here.

To tell you more about myself, apart from photography and design, I love working with wood, spending time in nature and hiking, and doing yoga. I’m even a certified yoga instructor, however, I don’t really teach (for now).

Surprise surprise, I also love travelling! I have visited the West Coast of North America, South Korea, many many places in Europe, or Mexico this spring, when I fell in love with Latino culture, hence my travels to South America now.

If you want to follow my travels in depth, you can do so on Book2wheel instagram, or you can also follow my personal profile or my client photography account for more content!

I do not want to keep you long, so this is all from me for now. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Signing off and looking forward to meeting you on social media and here with my next post!

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