Motorbike rental insurance in the Philippines

Motorcycle insurance

I am planning to visit the Philippines and want to rent a motorbike, is it possible to buy insurance during my rental period?

Yes, it is now possible to buy microinsurance that is designed for motorbike rentals. Book2wheel offers different type of motorbike rental insurance packages which are designed for the rider in the Philippines. Note: the microinsurance for motorbike is not only limited to book2wheel customers but anyone who rides the motorbike in the Philippines and wants to insurance himself. Book2wheel provides microinsurance through its key partner Cebuana Lhuillier

How much does the rider insurance cost and what is the length of the insurance coverage?

Here are the following motorbike rider insurances available in the Philippines.

Option 1: Personal Accident Basic Insurance

RiderCare is a Group Personal Accident Insurance that covers Accidental Death, Disablement & Dismemberment (ADD&D).

Eligibility: 18 to 65 years old

Period of Coverage: 1 year

Schedule of Benefits:

PRODUCT CL PA Basic Insurance
Benefit   Accidental Death / Disablement / Dismemberment (Php10,000)                                                    
  Accidental Disablement / Dismemberment ( Up to Php10,000)
Term 1 year
Age Limit 18-65 years old
Premium Php10.00

Option 2: RiderCare Insurance

RiderCare is a Group Personal Accident Insurance with term life specifically designed for riders. It covers Accidental Death, Disablement & Dismemberment (ADD&D), Term Life, Accident Medical Reimbursement (AMR), Teleconsult, Accident Daily Hospital Income (DHI), and Fire Assistance Benefit.

Eligibility: 18 to 65 years old

Period of Coverage: 1 year

Schedule of Benefits:

PRODUCT Rider Insurance
Benefit   Accidental Death / Disablement / Dismemberment (Php50,000)                                                    
  Group Yearly Renewable Term Life (Php,5000)
  Accident Medical Reimbursement (Php3,000)
  24/7 Call a doc (6 calls)
  Daily Hospital Income Benefit- accident (Php300)
Term 1 year
Age Limit 18-65 years old
Premium Php350

Option 3: ERCare Insurance

ERCare covers the medical expenses incurred by the Insured Person for the treatment of an eligible emergency condition, availing of which can either be as an Out-Patient in the Emergency Room Department or as an In-Patient of a Hospital via cash assistance.

It is underwritten by Pacific Cross.

Eligibility: 15 days to 65 years old

Period of Coverage: one (1) year

Schedule of Benefits:

Benefits PLANS
Hospital Cash Assistance 5,000 10,000 20,000
PREMIUM 550 900 1250

Option 4: Health Dengue Plus

Cash assistance benefit specifically designed for diagnosed dengue patients plus accidental death and accidental disablement/disability insurance.

It is underwritten by Malayan Insurance.

Eligibility: 1 day to 70 years old

Period of Coverage: one (1) year

Schedule of Benefits:

Benefit Coverage Premium
Dengue Cash Assistance 10,000.00     400.00
Accidental Dismemberment and/or Disablement   Up to 10,000.00
Accidental Death 10,000.00

The prices mentioned above are in the Philippines ‘ currency.

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