Rent motorbike and scooter in Ormoc city Philippines

rent scooter in ormoc city philippiines

Rent a scooter in Ormoc city for just 500 Pesos a day.

Are you visiting Ormoc city and want to rent a scooter, you are in the right place.

Book2wheel is a website where you can locate all the rental shops in Ormoc city and rent their motorbike. Book2wheel allows you to compare price and get the best deals on motorbike rentals in the Philippines. It is a similar concept like Airbnb. On Airbnb, you rent properties from local people on Book2wheel you rent motorbike and scooter from local people.


Here are some of the motorbike which you can rent in Ormoc city.

1.Honda Beat 110cc

Scooter rental price starts from 266 to 499 pesos

Make online free booking reservation click here 

2.Yamaha Mio max 125cc 

rent scooter in ormoc city philippiines

Scooter rental price starts from 266 to 499 pesos

Make online free booking reservation click here 


The rental requirements are valid driving license, ID and 2000 cash deposit. The scooter comes with full tank gas you return scooter full tank. Scooter also comes with 2 helmets which are included in the rental prices.

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