Where can I rent motorbike in Makati Manila with fully comprehensive motorbike insurance

Book2wheel is a marketplace for motorbike rental/sharing. On this website, you can locate the rental shop in Manila which offers motorbike rentals with fully comprehensive insurance.

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These are the motorbike which you can rent in Makati city with fully comprehensive motorbike insurance

Motorbike rental makati city

Daily rent with 700 Pesos
Daily rental price with 3rd party insurance 750 Pesos
Daily Rental price with fully comprehensive 1000 Pesos

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Rent motorbike manila

Daily rate 2250 Pesos with 3rd party insurance
Daily rate 3000 Pesos with fully comprehensive motorbike insurance

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Book2wheel is motorbike sharing service each motorbike has a different owner and location. You can reserve any motorbike you like in Manila city. Make an online reservation and pay when picking up the motorbike. You can watch a video about how to make an online booking reservation

Planning to visit Metro Manila or other cities in Luzon? Renting a motorbike or scooter is your best option. Luzon, in general, has the biggest population not only in terms of people but also with vehicles compared to Visayas and Mindanao. Thus, riding on a motorbike or scooter would enable you to reach your destination faster. Besides, you’ll enjoy it more than driving a car. To help you decide which motorbike or scooter to use, we have decided to create Book2wheel‘s mostly rented motorbikes/scooters in Metro Manila. Let’s begin!

5. Russi 250cc

Manila motorbike rental

Russi 250cc motorbike cost just 1440 Pesos a day. Motorbike is almost new. It is located in Quezon City. To find more information about pick up location and ower contact number click on Learn more

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4. Yamaha Aerox 155CC

Motorbike rental makati city

Rent a Yamaha Aerox 155cc in Makati city just for 700 pesos a day. To find more information about pick up location and ower contact number click on Learn more

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3. Yamaha Mio Max125CC

Bike rental Bohol

Rent a motorbike in Manila for just 530 Pesos. Get an Airport pickup and delivery service. Being fully-automatic, Yamaha Mio i125CC is definitely easy to drive that can take you to farther places without consuming too much gasoline. The combination of fuel efficiency and performance makes Yamaha Mio i125CC superior.

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2. Harley Davidson FatBoy Paranaque city

Rent a Harley Davidson Fatboy in  Paranaque city. Now you can rent a dream motorbike in the Philippines 

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Looking for a manual transmission designed for complete mobility that can take you to narrow roads and toughest terrain conditions in Luzon? Honda XR 150CC is perfect for you. For 720 PHP, you can already use this motorbike to go to places you like in Luzon.

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Rent a Motorbike, and explore Manila, Now you can get a motorbike comprehensive insurance in the Philippines.

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Book2wheel allow people to share their motorbike and bikes with other people. Any who has a motorbike can become a book2wheel partner and start earning money. Learn more about it. Visit book2wheel.com

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One Thought to “Where can I rent motorbike in Makati Manila with fully comprehensive motorbike insurance”

  1. Grey

    Do you have 400cc scoots for rent.how much?

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