Quezon city is the most populated city of the Phillippines with  2,936,116 inhabitants and a big  metropole of the region of Metro Manila.

Known as the former capital of the Phillippines, Quezon still hosts several government offices and has a national importance in economy, education and tourism.

Quezon abounds in churchs, religious temples, prestigious educationnal institutions. It is also a national financial hub with several business districts such as Eastwood city, Triangle Park and Araneta City.

Here you can see step by step, how to make an online booking reservation, using Book2wheel website.

Step One: please visit or Click here.

Step Two: Click on the naviataion bar where it says “Try entering city name ex, Manila”. You will be directed to a search page where you can see motorbikes from different owners. When you click on the location Icon, you can see the motorbike pick up location. Now in order to view prices and owner terms and condition, click on “Book now”.

Step Three: click on “Book now” and you will be directed to the motorbike’s detail page; Here you can see bike details, about the owner and terms for renting the motorbike. You can select your pick up date and return date. Then, you will see automated calculation with the discount.

Step Fourth: click on “Start Booking” and it will direct you to the next page. Fill out your information. This information will be forwarded to motorbike owner.

If you would like to have the bike deliverd to your location, here you can add a delivery option. Each owner has different delivery payment options. You can also add extra kilometers here. Before moving to next step, accept terms and conditions. You can message the owner as well.

Final step: click on “Check out” and it will direct you to the very last step. At the last step, you can select the payment option; There are 3 payment options, you can pay cash when pick up the bike, or you can pay online. After you are done choosing the payment option, your booking reservation is now complete. You will immediately get an email from us, with your resevation details and number. Within a few hours, you will get a confirmation by the owner of the motorbike.

Book2wheel is a portal for sharing motorbike or car service in the Philippines. We connect you with motorbikes owners all over the Philippines. Book2wheel does not own motorbikes. You can also rent a motorbike in Quezon City with a full comprehensive motorbike insurance. The insurance covers own damge, theft and body injury.

Learn more about motorbike insurance 

Here you can see examples of the best motorcycles in Quezon city from Book2wheel’s offer:


User submitted photo of Cebu CityUser submitted photo of Cebu CityUser submitted photo of Cebu City

User submitted photo of Cebu City


La Mesa Ecopark

La Mesa Ecopark is the Central Park of Quezon city, it is a real green oasis for citizens,  in this 33-hectares park you can go fishing, cycling, or trekking and enjoy many more recreationnal activities.

Quezon Memorial Circle

This site is the Mausoleum of Manuel Quezon,  a historical figures and the second president of the Phillippines. This symbolic place also has a museum dedicated to the former President, recreation spaces and many gardens around.

 Eastwood City

Eastwood city is one of the financial district of Quezon city. You can go shopping in luxurious stores, have a stroll at the local flea market, watch fireworks at night or spend nice time in trendy bars.

Book2Wheel is an online portal for sharing motorcycles and cars. Motorcycle and car rental services are now available in most cities and islands in the Philippines.

To get to know more about our products, visit

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