We love the idea of sharing economy

Imagine sharing your food with like-minded people, making new friends, expanding your network and at the same time earning money.

The sharing economy has become a new trend. From sharing motorbikes and bicycles to sharing food with other people. Tasteplease.com  is a social dining platform. The concept behind the idea is to host or attend social dinners that allow people to make new friends, expand their network, meet local people while traveling, understand their living lifestyle, and learn the local culture.  Tasteplease.com is a start-up company from Denmark founded in 2016 by known Danish chef and entrepreneur, Frank Lantz, who has strong passion for food.


The new start-up is at rapid growth stage.  “We are growing 60% every week on average. TastePlease is live for 8 weeks now and around 2500 users from more than 50 different countries are registered on the interactive platform. It is available in 190 countries, 14 + languages and fully integrated with all major social media channels. Currently we have events in Denmark (Copenhagen, Sønder Jylland, Aarhus), France, Switzerland and Greece,” – says Frank Lantz.

The company’s vision is to ”revolutionize the way we dine, meet and interact. Tasteplease takes social dining to the next level and opens the door to a truly global food universe- available to anyone, anywhere, any time”. Frank Lantz, the founder of tasteplease.com, believes that for becoming truly global, the collaboration is a key component instead of competition. The company is soon to start a dialog with book2wheel.com, a start up  for sharing bicycles and motorbikes. In the future, people will hopefully not only be able to rent a motorbike from a local host, but also dine with them and taste the local food.

Founder of book2wheel and tasteplease

Two founders had their first acquaintance at Cortex Park Odense at investor meeting where both shared their ideas about developing a shared economy platform further. The strategic alliance between 2 companies can open the door for a new market where the end user will benefit the most. Book2wheel strongly recommends for all users to try tasteplease.com service and share their feedback with us in the comment section below.



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