Earn money by sharing your motorbike-Book2wheel

Story of  Book2wheel Customer/Host

Silloco a business man from Manila city love to ride motorbike. He is been riding motorbike since he was 20 year’s old. Over the period Silloco has collected different motorbike and scooters. Silloco started to share motorbike with his friends and family. Later he discovered that by listing his motorbike on Book2wheel he can show case his motorbike to entire world.

In the beginning Silloco hesitated, since he has no personal relationship with book2wheel. The only communication he has was though Email and viber Phone call. Sillcoc decided to give a try. The day he listed his motorbike he started to receive booking from all over the world. Today Silloco has 8 motorbike which include scooter and big motorcycles. According to Silloco the business is base on trust and good communication.

Here are the few of Silloco customers Pictures. Would you like to list your motorbike Click (Here)

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