Riding a Motorbike for the first time

Have you tried riding a bicycle, and wanted to upgrade by driving a motorbike?

I do… And it all began just recently when I had the courage to do so. Yep, you read it right: COURAGE. You should have the courage to drive a motorbike, just like when you drive a car. Because if you don’t, you might end up like others: Not being able to try new things and Not being successful being afraid of trying.

What was the feeling of driving the first time using a motorbike?

I never thought I could feel so much happiness when I started the engine and then drove the motorbike around. I wasn’t planning to go far from our home, but once you’re on it, you would want to go to different wonderful places in Manila like: Antipolo, Laguna, Rizal, Batangas, Pangasinan, and more. Antipolo would be a good start for first-timers! Then perhaps, stop by near Cloud 9 to see the sunset, or sunrise (I’m getting excited while typing this, haha).

TIP: Experience in riding a bicycle gives you an edge.  But mind you, motorbike is heavy and you should put a little strength to move it in the right direction.

Off you go!

It feels so good to drive around and feel the air rushing over to your skin. But don’t drive too fast!

The motorbike I used is Yamaha Mio i125 which is fully automatic which by the way you can rent by visiting book2wheel.com . It only costs 500 pesos a day.

yamaha mio blue

What are you waiting for?

Additional tips:

  1. Always have your driving license with you.
  2. Check the controls and make sure every thing works well.
  3. Always put on your helmet.
  4. Know the traffic rules.
  5. Drive carefully.
  6. Enjoy! 🙂

Are you a first time motorbike driver as well? Share me your thoughts.

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